Jeffrey and Jeanne

George Oscar Bluth AKA Prisoner #1881372911 is the head of the Bluth family. He started the Bluth Company which was a very successful business. He was arrested for stealing a lot4 of money and building houses for bad people. He married Lucille Bluth. On the show George is played by Jeffrey Tambor, such a great actor. On a side note I – I LOVED him alongside Jeanne Tripplehorn in Five! What a movie. Fun fact – Jeanne Tripplehorn dated Ben Stiller who was ALSO in an episode of Arrested development. Anyway.
George was arrested for lying to investors and stealing (and some. “Light” treason! Haha!). It actually happened at his retirement party in the pilot episode. George was proved innocent after it was found out he was hired by the CIA. Remember – there’s ALWAYS MONEY IN THE BANANA STAND!!!!